Conferences and Workshops...
These conferences were developed as hands on workshops.
However, current global conditions have signalled a change in ways.
What if we have workshops on Zoom?How do we go about it? What changes are needed?- Participants may need a cell phone, laptop, or tablet, plus a second cell phone.- Almost all modules can be done remotely, with partners communicating with each other via cell phone or in person.It may be helpful if people take a workshop with a friend where the two can be physically present with each other. This enables doing the exercises in aura/vibratory sensing, etc. Or they can share via phone. This preserves the confidentiality of all sharing, a key consideration.
If you are interested or have questions, please contact us.
What if we have workshops on Zoom?How do we go about it? What changes are needed?- Participants may need a cell phone, laptop, or tablet, plus a second cell phone.- Almost all modules can be done remotely, with partners communicating with each other via cell phone or in person.It may be helpful if people take a workshop with a friend where the two can be physically present with each other. This enables doing the exercises in aura/vibratory sensing, etc. Or they can share via phone. This preserves the confidentiality of all sharing, a key consideration.
If you are interested or have questions, please contact us.
Some Available Workshops
Healing Grief
Grief is a part of life and may become an everyday experience for some. The proper handling of grief usually includes recognition, acceptance, forgiveness and release. However, some, while recognizing the loss, may hold onto the sadness or the anger, and allow it to become permanent. Others may not recogonize the grief for what it is and never process it, carrying it forever. The holding onto to grief lowers the frequency, the energy levels of the person doing so.
This describes the workshop for those who have experienced it at least once and for those trained in this work. It does not include the necessary preparation.
It is beneficial to do this in a circle.The session begins with each participant stating what they like to be called and one thing for which they are grateful today.Following a brief introduction of the purpose for the gathering, conferees pair off. When everyone has found a partner, with an 'A' and a 'B' in each pair, the exercise instructions are given: After a guided relaxation, you will recall a memory or have an experience
that is useful for you partner. When the signal is given, person A relays a memory. B then gives feedback.
Then person B tells their memory and A gives feedback. Participants then reform as a single group [circle].
Release Ceremony:
The letting go occurs by doing first the forgiveness exercise and then using a native american practice of placing one's intentions, wishes, desires in a bit of tobacco and sending them to the Creator via fire or water.
The forgiveness exercise affirms 'I love me, I forgive me, I love the pain giver, I forgive the pain giver,' using the name of the person we have an issue with. This exercise affirms our own worth , frees us from any self blame and blaming another and begins the processes of releasing any not so good feelings.
The tobacco ceremony can be physical or virtual. It is done physically usually at outdoor ceremonies. It is often performed virtually, using the imagination, especially indoors. It can also be done with physical tobacco indoors with the tobacco placed in a container to be returned to the Earth later.
The grief and/or "whatever no longer serves" is then intentionally placed in the tobacco which is then placed in a fire or a body of flowing water or a container to be carried to a sacred fire or flowing water and placed in same.
In a virtual ceremony, this is guided step by step in the imagination of the participant. No one has yet questioned using the imagination to perform this release ceremony.
After the release ceremony, an explanation of setting one's intention and using one's imagination may be given. Conferees give feedback and ask questions.
Closing Ceremony:
Each participant sees in their mind's eye and/or feels in their heart, the face and/or the presence of one they love dearly, [a child or a pet may be a good choice]. The participants focus on this feeling of love for a bit, then are directed to send the feeling around the circle [specify right or left] which raises the group frequency.
For more Information about some elements mentioned above,
see: Ancestral Grief > Forgiveness > Intuition Tools (Relaxation) >
Raising Energy Levels > Removing Blocks >
Other Workshops
Other Workshops Available:
Be Your Own Psychic (The Legacy) and the Intuitive Imagination are each 4-5 days, given consecutively, or in 2 weekends, or in 5 single days.
A 2-3 hour session in Raising and Maintaining Energy Levels is available on zoom and in person.
A 1-3 hour session on any topic mentioned on this website, particularly in Developing Intuition and the Topics sections may be scheduled based on applicability to a zoom session and/or availability of location and personnel.
Workshop Fees
Fees for workshops depend on the costs incurred in hosting one.
Zoom workshops are currently free of charge.
Workshops hosted by an individual or organization may be free or ask for a donation to cover any expense to the one hosting.
Workshops where the facility is rented will have a charge based on the facility charges.
Conferences where the facilitator(s) travels may also include traveling and lodging expenses in the fee. This is normal for a multi day event.
Workshops where the only expense is refresments* and materials may ask for donations or specify a small charge [$5+/-] or a suggested donation.
*In the M'hiacan tradition, light refreshments are normally served.
For more information, contact