The Push
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The Push
"Project PUSH" began on Earth in the fall of 2013. The purpose of the Push is to push the not so good energy, for us or the planet, off the planet, replacing it with good energy, by what we wish to have in our lives. Disorganized chaos is replaced with organized chaos. At the present time, this is being done by ones all around the world, some once a day, some more often. As you begin, take it one step at a time.
PREPARATION: "Be clear where your focus is directed in order to push back the dark. And then when the designated time comes collectively push them back into infinity and then let the Universe take it from there. ”Before you do a "push", recharge your energy and clear your mind as much as possible. Be sure to drink several glasses of water for 48 hours before. Place a pinch of sea salt under your tongue about 15 minutes before. You may practice this technique on your own in privacy once you understand and feel comfortable with the energy formations. Think about anything you want to add to the thoughts you will be projecting and feel good about what you will be doing. While practicing the hand movements we suggest you take a notebook or tablet you can not possibly misplace and while you are still remembering exactly what you want to say, write them down. Do not think you will remember everything you want to say, because you won’t. Please write it down. Then read and reread it as many times as necessary. When you are doing the push you can refer to your notebook either in your mind or physically.
3 minute video on how to do the PUSH:
For a 3 minute video on how to do the PUSH:
link to The Push Video or view it on
or go to
“It is time for all of Us to push back the dark and reclaim the Earth. You are not to do it out of anger or hatred and do not do so to seek vengeance. If this is not done out of love all will be for naught." -- GOD, Sept. 2013
As we do the Push we are to be aware of our intentions.
We have to be cautious to express our intentions so the Angelic Kingdom, many Beings from other planets and all the Luminescents (the Gods and Goddesses of all the other Universes) can join us.
Project PUSH is not to attack anyone. Attacking anyone automatically places you in the 3rd dimension – the dimension we are leaving behind. We have been attacking criminals in the 3rd dimension for ages. It has not helped to create a better situation.
The wish “We want to get rid of all bankers” will not be supported by our crew of helpers, but if we say “we wish an end to financial slavery” they can wholeheartedly support us.
The same goes for this one: “we wish to get rid of all rapists” will not be supported, but “we wish an end to all sexual exploitation” or “we wish an end to all forms of rape” will.
So make your list, check how you expressed your goals so we can receive all the support needed to accomplish this.
Define your intent in simple language: “remove repressive energies", "removing all lower based thought forms” are examples. You can cover many different types of energies that are not good for the planet using fewer words, but words that are all encompassing.
New energies REPLACE dark energies:
This is what happens next: as the dark energies are being pushed from areas, simultaneously the collective of new Earth energies will immediately fill the void which once held the dark energies. The Universe has already designed a manner in which she herself will be collecting all that we and Divinity PUSH from the planet. The Universe has Created these devices that are contiguous energy retrievers. These devices have tornado-like energy. They are similarly shaped like inverted tornados, countless numbers of them are in place surrounding this world. All the energies that are being pushed out will be immediately collected by this vacuum and destroyed. Please remember this is not being done with any hatred or malice or ill intent. The dark energies simply have not availed themselves of the other options to change themselves that were given to them.
What to expect:
Organized chaos will continue accelerating as vast amounts of disorganized chaos are replaced. Organized chaos is necessary. It is what enables free expression. Most should be able to feel a difference. It may be hard to explain to yourselves what it is at first, but you will feel it. Monitor your own feelings, your sentience, even your hearing. You should also be able to become much stronger as individuals who are part of the collective consciousness. We have all been offered an opportunity to participate in something that is greater than ourselves, yet at the same time we ourself will become greater. We are standing our ground and drawing a line in the sand. People ensnared in dark energies are acting out more because the energies they depend upon are increasingly no longer here. It is like being thrown into the deepest part of the ocean without a lifejacket. There is nothing we can do about that one. In a perfect world this would all be unnecessary, however it is not a perfect world…. Yet.
Now would be a very good time NOT to get involved in anyone’s dramas!!
No, not all evil will be gone at this time. This is part of an on-going process in which we participate as co-Creators. We are only to do what God wants us to do at this time, with gratitude.
The next step: see Project Golden Force on
The next step: see Project Golden Force on