A Universal Language
Connecting Heart to Heart,
Soul to Soul
Telepathy: A Universal Language
Humans are naturally telepathic.
Most have this ability deeply buried as a result of the DNA manipulation of Earth residents and mind washing.
Thoughts are things. As energy levels increase daily, we are increasingly seeing thoughts take physical form. Part of remembering telepathy is to re-learn to control our thoughts. This needs to be done sooner rather than later. Ignorance of our abilities leads to tremendous emotional pollution as people restrain the sounds they make but not the thoughts they think. It is one of the reasons some of our ET cousins hesitate to join us at close range. There are those however, who are skilled Some of us inherently block our thoughts from transmission and also block receiving others' thoughts. This is called shielding. Many however, are "wide open", hence the need for attention in this area.
Telepathy is much quicker than human speech whether verbalized or only thought. It is a lanquage of its own.
Thoughts originate in the mind. The physical brain is not the only place in the body where the mind is present, so thoughts may not come from the head area but are as likely to come from the heart.
Telepathy is developed much the same way as other skills: practice, practice, practice. With a partner. About three weeks, 21 days, daily effort with a specific partner is what it takes for many to start using telepathy reliably.
Thoughts are things. As energy levels increase daily, we are increasingly seeing thoughts take physical form. Part of remembering telepathy is to re-learn to control our thoughts. This needs to be done sooner rather than later. Ignorance of our abilities leads to tremendous emotional pollution as people restrain the sounds they make but not the thoughts they think. It is one of the reasons some of our ET cousins hesitate to join us at close range. There are those however, who are skilled Some of us inherently block our thoughts from transmission and also block receiving others' thoughts. This is called shielding. Many however, are "wide open", hence the need for attention in this area.
Telepathy is much quicker than human speech whether verbalized or only thought. It is a lanquage of its own.
Thoughts originate in the mind. The physical brain is not the only place in the body where the mind is present, so thoughts may not come from the head area but are as likely to come from the heart.
Telepathy is developed much the same way as other skills: practice, practice, practice. With a partner. About three weeks, 21 days, daily effort with a specific partner is what it takes for many to start using telepathy reliably.
What is telepathy?
There are two major basic forms of telepathy: unconscious telepathy and mental telepathy.
Unconscious [instinctual] telepathy is the random awareness of the presence of others and/or their thoughts. These others may be incarnated persons; animals, such as pets; or spirits, such as relatives and friends who are no longer incarnate, as well as those beings who daily guide us.
These entities may be friendly OR unfriendly, good OR not so good. This type of telepathy is based on feelings. It is frequently non verbal and is the basis for terms such as "belly brain" and "my gut tells me ..."
Examples of this type are picking up the phone before it rings or thinking of [calling] a friend or relative and the phone rings. The expression of these occurences may change with time but the underlying mechanics remain the same.
Another example is when this writer's mate lost the ability to think in English and reverted to thinking in his original languages. He then permitted this writer to access his spoken thoughts in a language she did not know but was able to comprehend the thoughts telepathically
It is thought by many that this form of telepathy involves the solar plexus.
Mental telepathy is the intentional focused communicating, one on one, mind to mind, with another being via thoughts expressed in words, unlimited by distance or location. We recognize the other party and the communication is two way, similar to when using a telephone. When other beings attempt to communicate with us via thoughts, as we become aware and intentionally respond to individuals, this may become mental telepathy. The thoughts may or may not be translated into a spoken language form, i.e. verbalized, but are expressed as concrete images. Using an ID and password is recommended. Each party is known to the other by a specific name and a unique password which may be a song. It begins with one party, identifying self, calling the other by name. The second party answers: [name] here. What is your password? First party gives the code and asks second party for their code. Conversation continues after IDs are checked and verified. Transmission is aided by virtual tubes and volume adjusted by pressure on a specific body part. The throat is thought to be involved. In the learning stages of telepathy, each partner keeps a journal detailing transmissions and receptions.
A third type of telepathy is a higher form of mental telepathy, i.e., soul to soul, spiritual telepathy, illumination. Information given by psychic readers may also be retrieved telepathically.
Telepathy may use intuition. It is not intuition.
Mental telepathy is the intentional focused communicating, one on one, mind to mind, with another being via thoughts expressed in words, unlimited by distance or location. We recognize the other party and the communication is two way, similar to when using a telephone. When other beings attempt to communicate with us via thoughts, as we become aware and intentionally respond to individuals, this may become mental telepathy. The thoughts may or may not be translated into a spoken language form, i.e. verbalized, but are expressed as concrete images. Using an ID and password is recommended. Each party is known to the other by a specific name and a unique password which may be a song. It begins with one party, identifying self, calling the other by name. The second party answers: [name] here. What is your password? First party gives the code and asks second party for their code. Conversation continues after IDs are checked and verified. Transmission is aided by virtual tubes and volume adjusted by pressure on a specific body part. The throat is thought to be involved. In the learning stages of telepathy, each partner keeps a journal detailing transmissions and receptions.
A third type of telepathy is a higher form of mental telepathy, i.e., soul to soul, spiritual telepathy, illumination. Information given by psychic readers may also be retrieved telepathically.
Telepathy may use intuition. It is not intuition.