Sound/Hearing - Clairaudience
We focus on sound in three ways:
- Clear Hearing: Clairaudience: Hear in spirit
- Healing with Sound: vibrations in a range
heard by physical ears may assist healing
- the most commonly used way, we connect.
Singing Bowl
Clairaudience: Clear Sounds/Clear Hearing
Many may "see" better than they "hear" for these are two different ranges on the vibratory scales. Some may pay more attention to one than the other. Many, however, do have occassions of clear hearing. Many have had the experience of hearing their name called, sometimes in a dream or when there is no one there, or receiving a verbal warning that seems to be non physical, or feel their ears "burning"
Some psychic impressions are received as words or music or other sounds, etc. We can be healed through sound. Some intuitives know what sound or sounds will sooth or heal an aura. Listening to classical music sooths the emotions. SInging or playing a musical instrument relaxes all aspects of a human. Chanting has effects depending on the intent of the chanter. Chanting is useful in healing and in controlling situations, such as clearing traffice jams. And Soul's Voice can be heard by those who listen.
Some psychic impressions are received as words or music or other sounds, etc. We can be healed through sound. Some intuitives know what sound or sounds will sooth or heal an aura. Listening to classical music sooths the emotions. SInging or playing a musical instrument relaxes all aspects of a human. Chanting has effects depending on the intent of the chanter. Chanting is useful in healing and in controlling situations, such as clearing traffice jams. And Soul's Voice can be heard by those who listen.
Three Workshops Using Sound
There are three sessions in the workshops with exercises where we connect through the voice. One involves a focus (target) person toning a sound with the rest of the circle joining into the same frequency. Each person in the circle then relays the impressions they receive to the focus person. The second is a person counts backward from 50 or 100 as the circle listens. Again, each one in the circle relays their impressions to the focus person. In both of these exercises, each person gets a turn at being the focus person. Feedback may be relayed from the focus person to each person in turn. The third exercise is part of the inspirational writing session where the entire group is toning all at once.
The most important use of sound may be when we tell our Mind and Body what we wish.