Energetic Protection:
Many Levels, Many Sources
Many are familiar with feeling not so good energy at some point in some place. Maybe much more often than comfortable.
The following discussion generally relates to feelings generated by actions of beings in physical bodies. Threats by discarnates may require other measures.
The following discussion generally relates to feelings generated by actions of beings in physical bodies. Threats by discarnates may require other measures.
What are the sources of these not so good feelings?
Often, they are the negative emotions other people, or even oneself, are feeling without realizing that they are sharing these feelings. Sometimes, one walks into a room or a building and has a not so good feeling. This can be from the activities which have taken place previously, in the past or which are currently occurring there. One can feel negative energy, such as anger, being deliberately or unintentionally directed towards oneself. Or one can feel drained after going to a particular place or being with a particulr person or group, or listening to a particular musical recording, etc.
We are all connected so it not surprising to pick up the energy of others.
What is happening?
Physically, we are electro magnetic beings
We are electro magnetic beings. We exist in a dynamic electro magnetic field. We are the field. This field needs to be regularly maintained and safeguarded.Our energy levels daily rise and fall depending on our intentions, actions and experiences.Doing certain actions, such as breathing; expressing gratitude, love, compassion; being kind; smiling, singing, dancing; showering/washing, smudging; hugging [especially hugging mature trees]; etc., raise our energy levels. Other things, such as anger, anxiety, bullying, being disrespectful, doubt, fear, hate, rudeness, grief, shame, etc., lower our energy levels. Whichever things we pay attention to, positive or negative, good or not so good, are what we bring into our energy field. Our choice. Whatever energy we allow others to bring into our field also affects us. We can recognize this and tell ourself "This is not mine." We may wish to limit or minimize exposure to individuals and groups which emit not so good energy by choice. We can also modify the energy around us. There is certain work however, which may require such exposure in order to help others. This can be recognized and handled by balancing exposures, raising the energies of all.
Excess Energy
We may also be uncomfortable, feel frazzled, discombobulated because we have more energy than we can handle right now. Grounding/tree hugging helps relieve this. Releasing excess energy into wooden doorways [doorframes] grounds us. It is important to stay grounded.
Changes with Anastasis
The changes with Anastasis [Earth] NOW are physically affecting all those who dwell with her. Everything electrical is affected to a greater or lesser degree. The properties of lightning and electricity are changing. We are physically electrical beings. All our cells produce electricity. It is beneficial to learn the new rules.
Intuition helps.
Intention governs everything.
Preventing energy drains is usually easiest to do. We can regularly fill ourselves with the divine light and do things we know raises our energy levels.
To counter negative influences, we limit exposure, i.e., the time and intensity we allow. We change our own behavior to eliminate doing what will lower the energy levels of ourself and others. Remind self daily to surround self in the divine light and maintain positive energy levels. Sending negative energies back to source is NOT helpful. Ground them or transmute them with the light. Many generating negative energies are not aware they are doing so. Returning negative energy compounds their difficulties. Sending positive energy to these ones may be very helpful. On the other hand, sending positive energy to deliberately negative entities usually really annoys them and is NOT recommended. It gets their attention. Those who are deliberately negative are to be avoided. It is their choice. We are one with the negative as well as the positive. Our positive actions may have the best effect. When sending energy to others it may be best to send with the intention that it go around those who do not wish to receive it.
To counter negative influences, we limit exposure, i.e., the time and intensity we allow. We change our own behavior to eliminate doing what will lower the energy levels of ourself and others. Remind self daily to surround self in the divine light and maintain positive energy levels. Sending negative energies back to source is NOT helpful. Ground them or transmute them with the light. Many generating negative energies are not aware they are doing so. Returning negative energy compounds their difficulties. Sending positive energy to these ones may be very helpful. On the other hand, sending positive energy to deliberately negative entities usually really annoys them and is NOT recommended. It gets their attention. Those who are deliberately negative are to be avoided. It is their choice. We are one with the negative as well as the positive. Our positive actions may have the best effect. When sending energy to others it may be best to send with the intention that it go around those who do not wish to receive it.
To ground, we can bring in divine light through the top of the head, the crown chakra, through the body and out the feet into Earth. Or we can hold onto a solid wood door frame and release excess energy into the wood. Or we can hug a mature tree. Hugging young trees may overwhelm them. Whichever method one uses, be sure to express gratitude.
Discarnate threats:
It is wise to not fool with unknown spirits.
There are two kinds of spirits: those with material bodies like ours and those without. We can be visited by either. We can usually sense their intention, i.e., whether they are friendly or not. But not always.
The best defense, and to confirm, is to simply use the words of the man we call Jesus who became the Christ: “I here and now command in the name of Jesus The Christ that if there is any entity, any energy, that is not of the most evolved form of the Jesus The Christ Consciousness, that is not of the most evolved form of God I Am, then they are to here and now disappear and cease to exist. This I command in the name of Jesus The Christ. “
The "Christ Consciousness" is the spirit, the consciousness of the Creater. The man Jesus became Christed by consciously becoming one with the Creator while in physical form. "God I Am" here refers to the Luminescent [Light Being] that is responsible for this Universe and who is also consciously in union with the Creator. If being bothered by a negative entity, say these words and the negative entity[ies] are obligated to leave and cease to exist.Note: This does not work on anyone with a body, e.g., humans [although it may scare timid ones off].
Recommend memorizing the above command/mantra and carry a print copy with you. It is usually needed in situations where one does not have time or the presence of mind to think. It may be said daily to keep one's energy field clear of not so good energy.
The "Christ Consciousness" is the spirit, the consciousness of the Creater. The man Jesus became Christed by consciously becoming one with the Creator while in physical form. "God I Am" here refers to the Luminescent [Light Being] that is responsible for this Universe and who is also consciously in union with the Creator. If being bothered by a negative entity, say these words and the negative entity[ies] are obligated to leave and cease to exist.Note: This does not work on anyone with a body, e.g., humans [although it may scare timid ones off].
Recommend memorizing the above command/mantra and carry a print copy with you. It is usually needed in situations where one does not have time or the presence of mind to think. It may be said daily to keep one's energy field clear of not so good energy.