We can all channel. We all do. Usually from Soul self. Every day stuff like “go into that store”, “turn left”. Basic stuff. We may call it intuition or gut feelings. Recalling and recording dreams. Sometimes we shift into a state of knowing. Sometimes we say or write things we didn't know we knew.
Sometimes we pick up others, such as guides, ancestors, friends, pets, well intentioned or wayward spirits, etc. Channeled thoughts come from a source other than our own Mind.
It is up to the receiver to accept or reject a source. Always check the source. Know the source and employ appropriate protection. Do not leave self open to accept whomever wanders by.
Who is Channeled?
Who we channel depends on our purpose. If we wish to relate stories of times past, we might accept information from Grandma or great, great Uncle Joe. If we are looking for technological insights, we may channel a scientist from another galaxy.
Some who channel consciously may have a prior agreement to channel a specific being with a specific message. We may record this verbally or in writing.
If we wish to advise self or others on handling certain challenges which are prevalent now, the best source is often our higher Self. The higher Self is the part of us that is directly connected with God at all times. The higher self knows.
And we are here to express our higher Self.
Quality of Channeling
The quality of our channeling depends on our clarity, our ego and our intent, all of which impact our choice of source.
Quality depends on the clarity of the one channeling. This can require a shift in the energies of the receiver. One must be in the best condition to accurately receive the information and to translate it into the best words to clearly express it.
Quality is also determined by intent. The higher and clearer the intent, the better the results. It is the intent of this writer, e.g., to only receive from its higher Self and only what higher Self wishes to transmit at the time. It is also the intent to write using words in a manner that can be understood by most.
Care must be taken to ensure that we are hearing our higher Self, that we are recording Soul Voice. This is usually attained through discipline, practice, proper care of ego, raising energy levels regularly, and INTENT.
Intent is best expressed in words so that the Mind hears and follows it.
Note: This topic is not yet part of these workshops.