Using the Body Intuitively
November 19, 2024 Intuition Development Newsletter
A monthly email ...... Vol. 7, #11 ..... published by the Sepoo Press
mod 11/19/2024
.. .. As souls with bodies, we may become distracted by things physical. The body's mind, whose job is to protect us, may forget it is not in charge. So too we, as individual parts of the divine, may forget we are not responsible for all. We are responsible for our effect on all. We are also responsible for their effect on us. However, it is the Creator who has the ultimate responsibility since we are all part of the Creator sharing the Creator's consciousness.
We exercise our responsibilities by controlling our energies.
Everything is energy. We affect others energetically. We energetically connect with whatever we focus on. The phrase "our hearts go out" is real. Our energy literally connects, mingles, with whatever, whomever, has caught our attention. We may give light and love to another simply by intention. We may also harm another energetically by intention. This is why we are encouraged to control our thoughts. Have you experienced being in the presence of a person while they shifted into a markedly different energy? Perhaps someone becoming extremely angry? Do you like it? Or someone becoming very happy? How does that feel? Maybe the whole room lights up? Why do children like a visit to their grandparent? Because of the love of the grandparents.
There is a free exchange of energy, emotion among people. Humans do not naturally interfere, interrupt, or block this except when we don't like the way it feels. We may avoid people who make us uncomfortable. But we don’t need to. We can simply learn to "not go there". We can stop our energy from leaving our own space and connecting with another. If we do allow our energy to connect with another, we can pull it back.
Those of us who regularly connect with a formerly incarnated being, then break the connection, much as we would a phone call, a zoom meeting or a telepathic connection. Mothers of newborns generally do not break the connection. They have a connection 24/7. And this connection is why some children may say their moms have "eyes in the back of their heads" which may be good for several rooms distant or for miles away. This is also the basis for "selective hearing".
As we can be consciously aware, without physical means, of what others do, so too we can block the reception of these signals. This is useful in maintaining our own equilibrium. This is known as shielding. We keep our space free from external communications, both input and output, to help us to distinguish what is ours, that is, generated by us, and what belongs to, or comes from, another.
This is useful in keeping free of dis-ease. By not taking in the energy of others, we don't bring in their thought patterns which may cause physical anomalies which interfere with our own normal physical actions.
Controlling our own environment may require practice, especially when encountering strong expressions of emotion. When first encountering a particularly strong feeling we may feel overwhelmed. However, we can withdraw into our core, sense our self draw back into our physical core, and regain our equilibrium, our peace and calm. This does not deny the strong energies. Acknowledging them allows room for them but does not permit them to take over. This is one of the functions of the body. You may wish to use it.
Remember, the highest vibration is Love. Love heals another energy’s disruption. Love enables us to function optimally for self and others.
We handle energy intuitively. Intuition operates faster than the speed of light. The observance of how intuition works has led scientists to conclude we are a unified field, that is, we are one.
How we develop our intuition is our choice.
For more information on using energy, see
Dr. Sue [Chiropractic], who inspired this issue, has been working with energy for decades and has a unique appreciation of how we may use energy optimally.
Wanisi do.
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Wanisi do.