Escape, Regroup, Stand
March 19, 2024 Intuition Development Newsletter
A monthly email Vol. 7, #3 published by the Sepoo Press
mod 3/19/2024
There is a war going on. Your intuition is telling you this. There's been ongoing wars as long as we have been living in this life.
What's different about this one?
It's the last. 1
This is evil trying to eradicate good. It knows it can't win. But if it loses, it's gone. It ceases to exist.
Some 2000 years ago, a being became human with a special purpose: to incarnate the Love/Light of the Creator in the physical; to manifest the Creator's Spirit in matter. He succeeded. He became Christed, aka, the Christ. Others have followed his example and done the same. Today, the Christ Consciousness covers the entire planet.
We who incarnate can accept the Christ Consciousness, unite with the Love/Light of the Creator, or we can accept evil, the depraved indifference which abhors Light/Love and prefers the dark. We either accept the Light or the dark. There is no other choice.
We who accept the Light do not need to physically fight. We fight with Power of Mind. We unite and stand with all others who accept the Light. Our defense is the "Jesus the Christ Consciousness" mantra. 2
“I here and now command in the name of Jesus The Christ that if there is any entity that is not of the most evolved form of the Jesus The Christ consciousness, that is not of the most evolved form of God I Am, then you are to here and now disappear and cease to exist. This I command in the name of Jesus The Christ. ”
We can recite this mantra at least once daily and whenever we encounter evil. Evil is cannibalistic but cannot tolerate Light, so departs. We escape, standing united with others who choose the Light.
The Luminescent of this Universe, whom we call God, is one with the Creator, sharing the Spirit of Love/Light. Since He is responsible for this Universe, God is the prime target of evil. If God can be taken down, evil wins and good is gone. All good souls are gone.
Earth, Gaia, Anastasis [Resurrection] is one with God and the Creator. She is Light/love and she has chosen to live.
Thus the war.
We fight by being Love/light. We do not engage evil but escape, regroup, continue to stand, united in purpose.
1. For more information, on the war, see
2. The "Jesus the Christ Consciousness" mantra is found at under Aligning Energy
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Wanisi do.