Intuition Development Newsletters
Monthly Newsletter on Developing our own Intuition. Usually published on the 19th of each month. Distributed via email in PDF or Word format upon request. To subscribe: email These newsletters are also available on
Note: Image texts for the visually challenged, this page has 2 image groups: 1. The pink cloud background photos [6] 2. The footer contains the logo for The Wayshower Association Inc.
2025 Vol. 8 Newsletter index:
2024 Vol. 7 Newsletter index:
Jan: Living Intuitively: Wednesday, July 13, 1977 - Part one: A 25 hour hit NYC for 25 hours. The recall of one person's use of her intuition at the time, showing how using intuition and positive thinking improves responses to disaster
Feb: Truth Must Stand on Its Own. Does not depend on acceptance nor verification by authority figures.
Mar: Escape, Regroup, Stand. FIghting the Final War
Apr: Born Psychic. Born Intuitive. Develop these abilities same as learning to walk and talk.
May: New Functional Levels. Moving with Anastasis [Earth] into Fifth Dimension.
Jun: Time to Intuit: Use Intuition to choose our future and rebuild society.
Jul: Why Love is the Key - Raising Energy Levels Improves Abilities.
Aug: Light/Love Heals - Love/light improves health
Sep: Forgiveness Permits Comprehension - - Forgiving removes blocks.
Oct: Today IS the First Day of the Rest of This Life - making a fresh start
Nov: Using the Body Intuitively
Dec: The Power of a Wish The Power of the Mind
To view a newsletter, click on the month in red.
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select the month you wish to view.
2023 Vol. 6 Newsletter index:
Jan: Make Room for Change - Without change life ceases. We make room for new
things in life by letting go of what no longer serves us.
Feb: Intentions - We use intentions to self program life.Mar: Use Light/Love to Create Justice and Abundance - we humans live in the Light/Love of the Creator. The divine energy can be used to create our world.
Apr: How Do We Know? As frequencies increase, so does awareness. Our ability to increasingly know is possible due to the physical construction of our heart, cranial brain and nervous system.
May: Be Your Own Medium. Why?
- To facilitate communication between ones who have been closely connected while in the physical. To allow ones no longer in the body to continue their work with those who are still in a body.
- To increase the awareness of what we can do. It also increases awareness of the possible, including that this path is open to all. Jun: If You Think You Can, You’re Right. If You Think You Can’t, You’re Right. We decide the possible.
Jul: Respect Freedom. We can decide to end the abuse of chidren and others
Aug: Not Choosing is a Choice - Failure to actively choose may result in a default
Sep: Must We Hear True? - Only when we must make decisions
Oct. A New Interest in Intuition? Increasing Awareness
Nov. Fulfilling Soul Purpose
Dec. Journaling: a tool for manifesting and re-programming
To view a newsletter, click on the month in red.
If any of above links malfunctions, go to NL2023, select the month you wish to view.
2022, Vol. 5, 3 per webpage. Newsletter index:
Jan: Comfortable in Your Own Skin? At home with self?
Consciousness shift.
Feb: The Value of Practice: easier to do with better results Mar: Spring Cleaning: remove what is no longer useful.
Apr: Are you Hearing True? This asks 2 things:
Is what I'm hearing true? Am I hearing what is really being said?May - not published
Jun - not publishedJul: Why Bother with Intuition? Spirits communicate in 3 ways: geometric shapes and symbols; telepathy; and intuition. Intuition helps with the other two.
Aug: Changes to Newsletters Format: The relationship between these 3 and anticipated changes.Sep: Using Intuition Now
Oct. Using Intuition ContinuedNov: Times of Great Change Opportunities to Re-evaluate Dec: Forgive: Gift Self and the World
2020: Vol. 3, Newsletter Index: 1st month in each quarter displays all 3 months.
Jan: Major Shift in 2020
Feb: Precognition/Recognition: 2 sides of a CoinMar: Intuition is of the Soul!
Apr: Dreams: Soul Talk!
May: More on Dreams
Jun: Solstice Ceremony
Jul: Judging
Aug: Choose
Sep: Energy
Oct: Letting Go of the Undesirable, the UnattainableNov: Being Love
Dec: Staying or Leaving; Winter Solstice
2019, Vol. 2, Newsletter Index:
2019: Vol 2, Isssues 1 - 12, Jan - Dec 2019 1st month in each quarter displays all 3. Jan Hearing True Feb Intuitive Dream Interpreting Mar Raising and Maintaining Energy Levels; Current Earth Changes Apr How's Your Balance? Protecting Ourselves May Psychic vs. Intuition Jun Where are we from? Where are we going? Summer Solstice Jul Being Intuitive -- Need for Self Control; Telepathy Aug Intuitive Decision Making Sep Being the Eye of the Storm Oct Intuitive Goal Setting Nov Maintaining Energy Levels for Healing Dec Healing Self
2018: Vol 1, Issues 1 - 4 are Sep - Dec 2018 Sep displays all 4 months
Psychic is of the Soul Sep: Skills, Intuition Oct.: Clairsentience, Setting Intention, Remove Blocks Nov: Empathy, Pineal Gland Dec: Telepathy, Christ Consciousness