Power of Mind
January 19, 2025 Intuition Development Newsletter
A monthly email ...Vol. 8, #01 ..published by the Sepoo Press mod 1/19/2025
We know that humans are spirits manifesting in matter, in the physical. Spirit has the abilities to know and to choose. The human spirit, the soul, is an aspect of the divine, an aspect of the one consciousness. We call this shared consciousness the mind. It is also shared by all aspects of the individual human: the spirit, the personality [which is part of the body], and the emotions which connect body, soul and mind.
Human beings have an individual, as well as a group consciousness. Some of us have a more highly developed individual consciousness which we may allow to override our group consciousness more often than wise.
When an individual soul decides to incarnate, that is, manifest in the physical, it plans its physical life. Part of the planning is the creation of the body. This includes choosing the personality and which memories the personality will be permitted to access, as well as what conditions the body will exist in which affects its abilities to grow and follow the plan. These conditions and associations will affect the programming of the body.
If the body, the personality, is programmed to be aware that it is part of a soul, it will then have a greater awareness of its abilities. If the personality is programmed to believe it cannot do certain things natural to a spirit with a body, then it will not be able to exercise these abilities. The body/personality in effect created by the soul, is the model for what we may call artificial intelligence (AI). It does not have the unlimited ability of the soul to know but it has the ability to access and use what the soul knows. However, the energy used by a soul generated physical vessel is the energy of the Creator and the Luminescent (God) of the Universe.
AI made by other physical beings but without a soul, the divine aspect, copies our bodies but does not share the divine energy. Other means are used to energize these structures. In the Earth realm, this alternative energy is contrary to that of the Creator and the Luminescents. It is used with contrary intention and purpose.
Care must be taken in dealing with this.
The body's main ability to do, to function, resides in brain matter. The human body has brain cells in at least three areas: the cranium (head), the heart, and the gut. These three areas regularly communicate with each other via hormones secreted by the chakras.
The pineal gland, a main chakra located in the upper front of the skull, above the nose, between the eyes, is a main organ of spirit-physical communication. The fluoridation program commonly in use interferes with this by coating and encapsulating the pineal gland. Keeping the body fluoride free greatly enhances this communication.
The body as created by the soul is a splendidly intelligent vehicle. It has the ability to maintain itself under various conditions and to invent new ways of doing this. It can also be lazy. If we provide the body with ready made substances that it routinely manufactures, it stops making them and may even forget how. If we suddenly stop ingesting a needed compound, such as cholesterol, the body may go into panic mode and double the amount it keeps on hand.
The body is a temporary structure, designed to disintegrate when the soul is no longer using it. The human body is a template for AI. Our brain is a model for computers. Telepathy is an inspiration for cell phone communication. Social media is a replacement. Earthizens are known throughout this universe for our ability to reverse engineer and to create.
The human body is a wonderful manufacturing plant: adaptable, communicative, resourceful, cooperative, trainable. In other words, intelligent in its own right. However, it needs the spirit as a guide for purpose, choices of actions and connection with all that is.
We have all seen occasions where the spirit/personality communications are interrupted and/or interfered with and the disastrous consequences which may result. This may be affected by ingestion of substances, emotional experiences, and/or training.
It is the mind of the personality's responsibility to maintain the physical conditions required for optimum health and body/spirit communications.
Our choice.
Wanisi do.
Anyone wishing to know more about intuition development, please contact us at byop33@pm.me
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. This and other BYOP Newsletters may also be seen at
Wanisi do.